Monday, April 11, 2011

Eating Scorpions

I wanted to add this to the last scorpion post.  Supposedly you can eat scorpions and some say they taste like shrimp.  All you have to do is catch them, cut off their tails and any poison sack and enjoy.  Out in the wild you can catch scorpions by finding their hiding spots and digging a steep sided hole right next to it.  Scorpions can't climb up steep banks so if you dig your hole steep enough it should trap the scorpions.  You can also bury a bottle or a can and use that as a trap.  One way of cooking them is to skewer and roast them over a fire until they are golden brown.  I would only recommend eating scorpions in a survival situation but if you are in to that kind of thing feel free to send me a video of your experience!  Next time I find one I am going to give this a try and I will post a video of it so you guys can make fun of my weak stomach.

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